The Wedding Photography Community Against Malicious Tactics

Over the last few days, the wedding photography community has been upset by some pretty malicious tactics. These tactics, or we may call them attacks, aim to disrupt the business of hardworking photographers.

A fellow photographer, driven by the motive of ‘eliminating competition’, has been targeting competitors’ Google Business profiles, resulting in them being taken down and forcing the photographer to appeal the decision. It happened to me, it happened to some close industry friends. Moreso, the photographer in question seemed proud of his actions, boasting that he teaches this method in workshops.

Note: If this has happened to you, The Federation of Wedding Photographers & Filmmakers have posted everything you need to fix it in this video.

The incident: Attacks on Google Business Profiles

The fiasco began when several wedding photographers noticed that their Google Business Profile, often essential for their online presence and being found by clients, were suspended seemingly without cause. This also resulted in google reviews being lost, which clients rely on to build trust in their vendors.

It became apparent, through the photographer’s posting on a Facebook group, that these ‘removed profiles’ were the result of a photographer flagging and reporting profiles to Google. The aim was to have the profiles removed for breaching a little-known clause in Google terms.

Bigger Than Business

For wedding photographers, our Google Business profile can be more than just a simple online listing. For me, it’s a vital tool for showcasing images and even more importantly, showing my reviews to build trust with clients. The takedown of this profile not only impacts my visability but also my credibility and therefore, ultimately, my livelihood.

The malicios actions of one person threatens to undermine the hard work and reputation that i have build up over the years.

This isnt unique to me. For many other photographers, this will also seem like a big blow to business, as well as the feeling of being personally attacked.

The good bit: Our United Community

The wedding photography community, as I’ve learned to expect, responded with incredible solidarity. Photographers countrywide came together. Support was immediately offered to the affected people. Resources were shared, and strategies to reduce effects from the massive inconvenience were discussed.

A few social media groups and professional associations became hubs of support and knowledge, with members and industry leaders sharing and assisting those that needed it.

Success: Profiles Restored and Lessons Learned

Through the collective effort, some photographers have already successfully restored their Google Business Profiles. Tech-savvy and knowledgable people shared step-by-step guides on how to appeal the suspensions, while other found their own route or reached out to google. My profile is yet to be reinstated, but I will remain hopefully that my clients and myself arent inconvenienced for too long.

These reactivated profiles are a testament to the effectiveness of community action and the importance of standing together in the face of a few bad industry eggs.

Moving Forward

This incident, whilst seemingly caused by one plonker, has been and remainst to be stressful and a huge inconvenience to the wedding photography industry. However, there’s a silver lining. It has highlighted the bonds within the wedding photography community.

It has reminded us all of the importance of mutual support and collaboration. About sticking together.

Moving forward, some photographers have new industry figures thet can rely on, and we are all better prepared to handle similar challenges. There will be plenty, I’m sure.

The willingness to help one another shows the strength of our community, and shows that whilst we may be competitors, we are still allies.

The actions of one individual, as well as a potential few who may have jumped on the bandwagon, has highlighted the strength and unity of a community of wedding photographers that they are no longer welcome in. We will move past this within a few days, celebrating the collaborative spirit we retain. The individual will remain a grubby stain on what is otherwise a beautiful outfit of likeminded professionals, who have each others backs.

We are stronger together.

Support Your Allies

I encourage everyone in the wedding photography, and wider wedding community to continue to support one another. Whether it’s through sharing knowledge, offering assistance, or simply being there… Any act of kindness strengthens our community.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Emily Renier

    Well said Paul. 👍🏻

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